Thursday, December 1, 2011


There are many songs that have special meanings behind it for the singer as well as for those who listen to the song. “Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem” in the song “Doo Woop (That thing)” by Lauryn Hill is one of many quotes that have a special meaning behind it.
In today's world, many do not have respect for themselves or others. To further add, many do not have morals. People have changed from being respectful and polite to disregarding any inkling of the two. Those that do have morals and respect are treated like they have a bad attitude. It is due to them having and using common sense. Instead, they are treated like outsiders just for having morals as well as being blunt. Many cause drama due to being negative. It is also partly due to the fact that they want attention. If they do not get attention they start drama. Much if not all of it can be prevented just by respecting what others say and do. Many find it hard to be positive in such a negative world that is called the modern day.
Self respect is something that not many people have. It is due to their lack of self esteem as well as society today being exceedingly ignorant. In turn, people think that they are a hard rock. To further add, many not only conform to society but, they mold into what others want them to be instead of into what they want to be. As a result, people are ignorant and close minded. They also are unwilling to learn new things. Yet, many break that mold and become their own person. They realize that they can be their own person and stand up to those that push them around.
A gem has no particular shape. It is not easy to conform it to one particular form. In essence, it will always be unique in some way. It is in a unique. It is the same thing with people. Nobody is perfect; therefore, everyone is unique in their own way. Conforming to society only suppressing feelings and emotions. Instead, be the person that is on the inside instead of conforming to society's needs and wants. It also means standing up for what is right instead of going with the crowd. People who go against the crowd get noticed because they are seen as “different” when in reality they are being themselves. By following that path, people can be themselves and follow the path that they are intended to follow.
Knowing your inner self and standing firm is something that not many people can do. . Many end up conforming to the mold of the world forced to do so. Being comfortable in addition to having better self esteem are a few of the steps that can be taken in the right direction. Doing so can help in being a better person. To further add, being positive can help more than imaginable. It can be hard at times; but, it can be done nonetheless. Being the person inside and out can make a world of a difference. As a result, more people will take notice and realize that they can also be themselves.
Instead of being a hard rock, why not be a gem and be the person that is on the inside. Pretending to be someone that does not match the inside will only end up doing harm in the long run. It can lead to things that can be prevented. Instead, be a gem and shine.