Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wrestling: The crazy ride

I began this ride on the wrestling train from a young age with seeing things I thought I would never see along with making awesome friends
            The first show I went to was at the young age of 10 years old at the Crystal River Armory in Crystal River, Florida. Most of the people there thought I wasn't that old because of only being about 4'8. As time went on, I came to know the guys, fans as well as the crazy world of wrestling. I met guys like Ron Niemi, Naphtali, Jeff Peterson, Buck Quartermaine, Steve Madison, Antonio Banks (MVP in WWE), Shane Twins (Gymini in WWE) along with many others that became friends. Not only did they see me grow up; but, they saw me go through things that most my age could not comprehend. On top of that, they treated me as if there wasn’t anything wrong.
            In the 12 years since then quite a bit has changed. My younger sister Rachel started going to the shows with my and dad then fell in love much like I had. With that came a family affair of going to different shows together. I have made many more friends as well as lost a few as well. Jeff Peterson, Ryze, 19, Shawn Osbourne,  Larry Sweeney, and a few more died of different causes with different memories being left behind. The memories they left will never be forgotten. They left imprints on people's lives and hearts that will never be changed. Their deaths came as a shock to all leaving different things unsaid as well as different emotions that arose. With that came remembering that anything in life can happen. With this business came my second home.
            Wrestling has become my second home with my second family. Many of the wrestlers and people with different jobs to make the show happen have become part of my life. Some of the friends I made have since left my life whether for good or a little while. They left an impact on my life whether they know it or not. Even if I do not see them much or at all, I still think of the ones that I do not see and remember just how impactful or even influential moments they had in my life. Even so, the injuries as well as the beginning or ending of careers still come to pass.
            I have seen quite a few injuries, careers beginning and ending, marriages, death, tears of joy and pain that come with this business. I still have not seen everything this business has despite the fact that I have seen a wide variety of things happen to different people. Everything in life has a surprise or two including the wrestling business. I know things will happen that will continue to surprise me even in the years to come.
            It’s not the end, it’s not goodbye, it is just another change of scenery that has come to the forefront in this crazy business called wrestling. It is time for me to leave Central Florida and go back home to South Florida for a little while in taking a different path in life.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Sacrifices are made everyday with the men and women who serve our country making the greatest sacrifice of all. Quite a few of them have paid with their lives.
Many men and women have made great sacrifices to ensure that the united states of America is protected and free. Many have died surviving their country while others have been wounded whether minor or major.

Having family members in the military is not easy. Not knowing if there is going to be that call saying that loved one was killed while serving their country.  Nobody wants to have a family member coming home from overseas in a flag draped coffin.

I have family and friends are currently in or had been in military. It was and still is never easy seeing how changed they were before they left compared to when they came home. Life is very different  after coming home. The change may not be seen right away but with time it is seen.

There are countless ways to thank them and helping one of many. Something as simple as making dinner or taking their kids to school makes a big difference whether it is realized or not. It is the little things that matter and count the most.