Monday, October 22, 2012


Intolerance is rampant through the United States along with the rest of the world that stems from believing the misconceptions and assumptions made long ago
Recently, a Chief Diversity officer at Gallaudet school in Maryland was suspended for signing a petition that supports Gay Marriage. The unique thing is that she is not only a black woman; but, she is also Deaf. She was doing what she thinks is right when it comes to showing support and diversity for everyone regardless. s of their sexual orientation. Gallaudet is known for being the leading College for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The result of this has been that Gallaudet has come under fire for doing something that should not have been done.
This story was shown as a clip on a televised Christian show. At first, the man who was talking about it seemed as though he was accepting of the Gay community because of the way he talked about it before the clip was shown. However, after it was shown he degraded the Gay people as if it is a sin for Gay people to want equality in this world. What many do not realize is that God accepts everyone for who they are not their sexuality or skin color. The bible was written by men who could put anything they want in the Bible including homosexuality being a sin. It is not “Godly” at all to judge someone because of being different when God himself created the world to be different. Learning from others instead of discriminating is one thing everyone can learn from
Intolerance is people not accepting others for who they are. Instead, they judge and discriminate for being different. The difference is that many people are set in their ways to where they do not accept others for who they are.  People are brought up to think a certain way and act a certain way. Being different is something nobody can change. People lead different lives with some not caring what others think about them.
Intolerance is one thing that will always be around until the end of time. It is because of people being people and judging others. Accepting others for who they are is better than discriminating against others for being different.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Edgar Allen Poe was a man that is famous and infamous for many different reasons one being the gruesome details in his poems.
What many people forget about is his gentle side. He cared about the family he had up until and after they died. His wife Virginia died of Tuberculosis in 1847 that left him devastated and unhappy. He wrote gentle poems such as “To Helen” of his love for women in his life. Love had been one of the things that had eluded him his entire life along with it never lasting long for different reasons each time. “To Helen” had originally been published in November of 1848 in the Union Magazine.
His full legacy he left behind after he died as any legacy often does after death which lead to him being  more famous than infamous. Annabel Lee, The Tell Tale Heart, The Raven as well as short stories such as Descent into the Maelstrom and The Pit and the Pendulum are a few of the things that most remember of him. Along with that is the rocky life he had in which his poems reflected. He had been somewhat delusional throughout his life from the recurring death that he encountered in addition to overwhelming sadness from life overall. He was a very talented poet that left behind quite a legacy.
Edgar Allan Poe was a man that paved the way for other poets and writers to write what they feel instead of what others wanted him to write. Learning from that is one thing that any poet can do.