Monday, April 15, 2013


Things are not always what they appear or seem to be.

I've had epilepsy 11 years this month. In that time I've had my struggles, triumphs as well as misunderstandings. It hasn't been easy living with epilepsy but I have made the best of it in the simplest ways than many may think.

Disproving the misconceptions has been the simplest way that I show people how I lead my life. More often than not it is this way that has confused people the most because of most believing the misconceptions made by the media about people with epilepsy. It is also my favorite way because I can explain it and say that doing research and asking questions is better than assuming.

Assuming is one of many things that people do. With epilepsy it is even worse due to people not being informed much if at all. Most people think to put something in the persons mouth when it is more harmful than helpful. Instead, reassure the person and let the seizure run its course.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that people with epilepsy do not lead a normal life when in fact they lead a normal, active life. It is far from be truth about this misconception. Most take medication of some kind. Few have to have surgery from medication and other things hat do not help at all. People may even now someone with Epilepsy and not even know it until later one. 

People will be people and assume the worst a out people with epilepsy. One thing that is definite is that seeing someone with it lead an active life often changes a persons mind even o slow to change

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Everyone is an influence on each other whether it is a positive or negative influence difference that is made.
For many, they are a positive influence. They try to change the world around them for the better whether they are everyday people or well-known people.  It may not seem like there are such people but they are out there trying to make a difference. Anyone can make a difference. It also does not have to be a big difference such as carpooling or lending a helping hand in some way.  Doing something for someone else often makes a difference both short and long term whether people realize it or not.
On the flipside, there are many people that are negative in today’s world. It is due to the world being filled with too much criticism as well as people that are judgmental.  All too often it is from people jumping to conclusions before they have all the facts. The trend that has showed itself has been people having a negative mindset that is a result of seeing things from a negative perspective whether it stemmed from bad experiences or otherwise. The result is more often than not being close minded that leads to assuming things before anything else. It also leads to believing that misconceptions and misbeliefs are correct and not doing the research to see what is right or wrong. They do not see the error of their ways until an experience comes along that brings it to the surface and challenges their beliefs with the result being their eyes being opened about others perspectives on life.
Paying it forward and lending a helping hand regardless of it being a friend or strangers or it being a big or small thing. Something small can make a big difference in someone’s life. In some cases, a chain reaction starts. Someone does something kind for someone else that causes that person to do something for someone else. It is like the movie “Pay it Forward” anyone around the world can do it despite language barriers or the country a person lives in helping and giving a helping hand can make a difference. Some of the biggest differences may come in a small package.
There will always be positive and negative influences regardless of where a person goes in life. Paying it forward and passing on positivity can make a difference even when it is unrealized at the time.