Thursday, December 1, 2011


There are many songs that have special meanings behind it for the singer as well as for those who listen to the song. “Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem” in the song “Doo Woop (That thing)” by Lauryn Hill is one of many quotes that have a special meaning behind it.
In today's world, many do not have respect for themselves or others. To further add, many do not have morals. People have changed from being respectful and polite to disregarding any inkling of the two. Those that do have morals and respect are treated like they have a bad attitude. It is due to them having and using common sense. Instead, they are treated like outsiders just for having morals as well as being blunt. Many cause drama due to being negative. It is also partly due to the fact that they want attention. If they do not get attention they start drama. Much if not all of it can be prevented just by respecting what others say and do. Many find it hard to be positive in such a negative world that is called the modern day.
Self respect is something that not many people have. It is due to their lack of self esteem as well as society today being exceedingly ignorant. In turn, people think that they are a hard rock. To further add, many not only conform to society but, they mold into what others want them to be instead of into what they want to be. As a result, people are ignorant and close minded. They also are unwilling to learn new things. Yet, many break that mold and become their own person. They realize that they can be their own person and stand up to those that push them around.
A gem has no particular shape. It is not easy to conform it to one particular form. In essence, it will always be unique in some way. It is in a unique. It is the same thing with people. Nobody is perfect; therefore, everyone is unique in their own way. Conforming to society only suppressing feelings and emotions. Instead, be the person that is on the inside instead of conforming to society's needs and wants. It also means standing up for what is right instead of going with the crowd. People who go against the crowd get noticed because they are seen as “different” when in reality they are being themselves. By following that path, people can be themselves and follow the path that they are intended to follow.
Knowing your inner self and standing firm is something that not many people can do. . Many end up conforming to the mold of the world forced to do so. Being comfortable in addition to having better self esteem are a few of the steps that can be taken in the right direction. Doing so can help in being a better person. To further add, being positive can help more than imaginable. It can be hard at times; but, it can be done nonetheless. Being the person inside and out can make a world of a difference. As a result, more people will take notice and realize that they can also be themselves.
Instead of being a hard rock, why not be a gem and be the person that is on the inside. Pretending to be someone that does not match the inside will only end up doing harm in the long run. It can lead to things that can be prevented. Instead, be a gem and shine.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Girl on a mission

I have always been a writer that has quite more knowledge than most to share with the world. Unfortunately, most of the world is too ignorant and close minded to listen. The ones that do is what makes a difference. By getting it to just a few people, they may spread it to others who then tell others. It then leads to a domino effect and people learn from it. It is this effect that can change people for the better just by learning something new. In turn, they are a little more open minded. Eventually, they are willing to learn more because of the little things that they start learning.
Getting the truth out is one of the many missions that I have been on. Millions of people in the world today do not know the truth about anything. It is due to the fact that there are many misconceptions that they believe. In turn, people are close minded and unwilling to learn about anything because they think they are right. When a person believes in one or several misconceptions, they think that it is correct when in fact misconceptions are based off of assumptions that are always wrong. When people learn that misconceptions are wrong them are psychic and will know and understand them.
Disproving the misconceptions have is easy when you have the correct facts. For instance, Hearing Impaired and Deaf people are one in the same. The difference is that the term Hearing Impaired is insulting. There is nothing impaired about Deaf people. They were born without their hearing or lost it at a young age due to a reaction to a specific medication that caused them to lose their hearing or from meningitis. When we are born, we have little hairs in our hears that help sound flow in and out. With Deaf people, they are born without those hairs in their ears. In turn, Deaf people are treated differently because they do not hear. The most common misconception is that they are dumb and uneducated. In fact, all Deaf people are just that. PEOPLE. They are also highly educated and have better driving records than Hearing people. It is the misconceptions about Deaf people in addition to people assuming that the misconceptions are correct. There are many other misconceptions that can easily be disproved just by doing some simple research. If people did some research they would find that there is more to life than misconceptions.
In the past several years, I have become an encyclopedia of knowledge on different subjects such as Deafness, Epilepsy, wrestling, Religions in addition to many more. The things that I have researched and learned about are things that are very common in the world; yet, many do not truly know about them because they are close minded and believe in the misconceptions. It was irritating at first when people came to me for advice on the various subjects. But in time, I came to love it because they were learning something new and passed it on to others. I would rather teach others and have them learn something from me knowing that that they learned it from a good source rather than not learn anything at all.
Not only have I learned different things on different subjects; but, I have wisdom that can be passed on to others. Some of it has been through research while the rest is through direct experience. Everyone experiences different things at different points in life. My life has been unique in more ways than one. Having that wisdom to share with others is often times the best thing to teach. I have knowledge that some my age do not even have yet or can even understand. Many in my age group have not experienced what I have and cannot begin to learn about unless they experience it first hand. Describing and experiencing things are two completely different things. I know that in time things will happen and more people will understand each other.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Warm and Cold

Humankind will always be an interesting species for many reasons. However, there are people that are naturally warm blooded people; but, they are cold hearted. On the flipside,  there are people who have naturally cold bodies (where they feel cold much of the time); yet, they have the warmest hearts.
    The meaning behind these two unique terms can be interpreted in many ways. However, the true means are within the words themselves. There are thousands of people that are kind hearted people. They dedicate their life to helping others and changing the community that they live in. To further add, they may travel around the country they live in as well as around the world to help others. Hence, they are warm hearted people. On the flipside, there are thousands more that worry about themselves and nobody else. They would rather make money as well as be a greedy individual. In turn, they are cold hearted people.  Instead of giving people a second chance, they fire someone because they did an assignment wrong. People grow up with different lifestyles in addition to being raised differently than others. It plays one of many factors to how they make decisions and choices that end up affecting their future.
   Unfortuntately reality gets in the way of life. Many people are cold hearted, ignorant as well as close minded. It is hard for them to realize that people are not perfect and have flaws. The reality of the current times is that the world is currently in a bad spot in addition to being unbalanced. In essence, it is a worldwide Great Depression in that there are people suffering in different countries as a result of things that have happened in the past ten years. Things are slowly starting to get better but not as quick as it could be. By doing more that will save money such as recycling and other money saving things will help others and the rest of the world. However, with so many people being close minded not many are willing to do so.
   Making a difference in the world comes naturally to some and not so much with others. It is human nature to want to help; however, there are people who are more compassionate towards people and overall things whereas others care a little bit more about themselves while they try to care about others as well. In the current society, people are a little more greedy and tend to think of themselves and their family than anyone else. They do not truly care about people that are homeless and going hungry. Instead, they care for their family and want to see their family members grow instead of helping others get on their feet. People who are more compassionate put others before themselves. To them, they would rather see someone else succeed and worry about themselves later on.
   Changing the world can start with a simple act or saying something simple. The movie Pay It Forward is a movie that everyone can learn from. It is a boy named Trevor who is assigned a project in his Social Studies class. What ends up happening is people all across the United States pay it forward in their own way. At the end of the movie, Trevor dies of a stab wound while trying to break up a fight. People from all over the city come to pay their respects to him for what he accomplished. This movie alone can inspire anyone to do the same thing. Do a simple act such as helping someone with their groceries or opening the door. Others will see even though you do notice them watching. Simple acts go far without anyone truly knowing it.
   By being more  open minded, people can learn new things and the world would start becoming a better place. People would treat others with respect that is deserved and the environment better. Te world can be a better place by people simply being more open minded and less greedy. Furthermore, people doing things to benefit themselves, others and the earth is something that people are starting to notice and take action. It is this simple act that can set off a motion of other actions that will eventually lead to a better planet and life.

All Hallows Eve

I know it is a day late but I'd rather it be on the day that the harvest would be than not at all.

Halloween has always been my favorite day of the year. It is the day that the world between the living and the dead is thinned. However, there are always ghosts around. There are many haunted places all across the world that have spirits in need of help crossing over. Ghost Hunters such as TAPS and their counterparts that go beyond the US to help the dead in other countries are currently helping the dead cross over or at least confirm or disprove a haunted house.
All Hallows Eve has been around for centuries. It is most known as Samhain because of a fall festival being around the time of harvest. It is when people gathered their crops for the winter and celebrated. It is also when ghosts had the ability to go between this world and the next easier. In essence, it is also a better known version of the Mexican day of Dia de Muerte or Day of the Dead that also happens at the same time every year.
My interest in this day came when I was much younger. I had always been interested in Vampires, werewolves, chupacabras, Ghosts and other supernatural beings. I was and still am among those that believe that there is something out there aside from ourselves. There are other things beside ourselves that many do not understand. If people something as simple as research they would learn that the Mexican and American tradition are not so far apart as many think. Both are essentially the same with very few differences. Unfortunately, many lack the ability to research and comprehend the fact that many traditions are the same with a few differences.
Halloween is a time when kids roam around in costumes and go trick or treating. It is also when paranormal researchers go to haunted places to get more evidence to prove that ghosts exist and that there is another world aside from the world that we can physically see.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Many people get stuck on what is behind them instead of what is ahead of them. They get so caught up in the past that they cannot look to the future. In turn, they may not realize what their life is like in the current state that it might be in.
    Growing up, I was always treated like an outcast due to what had happened. Being diagnosed with Epilepsy as well as losing my mom a few months a part set me apart as a person. Many people knew my mom and knew my situation with my health. In turn, not many people (both kids my age and adults) did not know what to say or how to talk to me anymore. I began reading more and talking less. In essence, I had become a book-a-holic. Not only did I had my nose in a book learning about something new; but, I began reading books that interested me such as The Last Apprentice series and Harry Potter series.  In time, people began talking to me as if nothing was wrong. They saw that I was still the same girl I had been before with the only difference being that a few things happened that affected the rest of my life.
   Finding a place that I could call my own was something that I struggled with daily for several; years. School was one of the places that I felt safe at. The privacy of my room became one of my safe havens.  I was able to think clearly after being alone in my room. It was wrestling that became my best safe haven. I had made more friends in the wrestling world than I had at school. Most of them helped in me being in a better mood whether they realized it or not. To this day, there are those that are able to do that and make me laugh. I do not think I will ever have a place that I can call my own. Having wrestling as a main safe haven is just as good. I always end up having a great time and being in a better mood.
    After a while I started coming into my own. The decisions I made affected me in a positive way to a point that others noticed. I have learned things from my mom before and after she died. She told and showed me things that I understand now that I did not then.  The things that she instilled in me will always stay with me. Her influence helped me through her death in addition to my grandmother (her moms) death. Influence can be a powerful thing.
      Many became judgmental towards me because of what I had been through in such as short time. It was something that I had grown used to and learned from. Not everyone will understand what I have gone through and how I have learned from it. I have had as much positive as I have negative things said about my positive attitude as well as the choices that I have made. I am not sorry for any of the decisions that  I have made. I have become a  blunt person and would rather say things as they are than say things that people want to hear. Things need to be said that have to be said whether it is good or bad.  Life is never fair and never will be. Things happen and can be learned from. It is up to the individual to decide what choice and decision they want to make. Learning is part of life.
    The journey ahead might be unknown to me right now; however,  I know there will be situations that will arise where I can use what I already know and apply it.  I learned from my past and have already applied it in life. One of the many goals is teaching others that it is perfectly fine to be a little different. Much of the world today is used to having to conform to something instead of being who they truly are. One thing my mom taught me was to always be myself and not what others want me to be. Consider what they say and make my own decisions. That is the difference between conforming to something and standing out.

Friday, October 28, 2011


In most cases, I have always the weird one of the bunch growing up. I have always had quite a bit of knowledge, a different point of view, as well as like being a little lower on the totem pole unlike many others. Most of my friends were a little more popular and had things I could not afford. Being on a budget was always the downside; but, it was always worth it.
I often knew how to think out of the box in addition to being able to have a different perspective on situations and see all sides of the current situation. It was always something that not many people had until later on. The ability helped early on because I made decisions that affected my life in a positive way.
Epilepsy not help. Not many want to be friends because “contagious” stupid because not. 12 year old kids at the time so not really understand. Losing my mom around the same time did not help either. However, I learned from it and helped others understand in a way they could by telling them about my experiences and emotions that arose. It felt good to not only get things out but help people at the same time. It was a double dose of good in times when I did not want to talk at all.
I gained the knowledge through personal experience as well as doing the research needed to learn new things. It was something I was good at. In turn, I was able to pass the information on to others and teach what I knew to others to help them with different things. I was also able to cope with things and move on. I did have thoughts of suicide but realized it was not worth it. I knew I could have a better life and people that loved me who would help if I simply asked.
Positive thinking lead to positive actions and more positive life. People in life try downgrade but only turn into positive. They do not realize how negative they are until hit rock bottom. Never care not my problem. Negative people that hinder things and dealt with by simply move on. Disregard what they say and ignore.
People may think I am weird; but, it is their opinion. Everyone is different in their own way and society view not matter anymore. I Am who I am and nothing can change that. I will only improve my attitude on life in addition to being and having a positive influence. It may seem impossible to be so positive but it is not. However, it is simply the mind saying that it is too hard to accomplish. When life is so negative, it can only get better when positive attitude changes that.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Over time, there have been many revolutionaries in the world. Each has done something unique to make them a revolutionary. A figure that is forever remembered for what they did as well as the accomplishments that they made.
Edgar Allen Poe is one of the many poets that have become famous from his works such as “The Tell Tale Heart”, “The Raven”, as well as “The Masque of the Red Death.” All of his works from poems to short stories were filled with horror. Whether it was from his life or surrounding events in the world at the time it was horror filled in addition to being gruesome in some way. He often times went into gruesome detail with different things. One of his many accomplishments was gaining the editorial position at the Southern Literary Magazine. He had published several books by this time. One of which had been entered in and won a contest in the Saturday Visitor. In his later years, he made a living as a literary critic and theoretician. Often times, he would attack as well as insult an author and the northern literary establishment. His reputation was him being a fearless critic and being blunt. Furthermore, he is now known as having tales of horror as well as haunting poetry that would have that lyrical rhyme to it.
Helen Keller was a Deaf-Blind women who became a woman's rights activist. She gave women hope and confidence to set their minds to what they wanted to do instead of letting men control them. She let them know that they could do anything that men could and have the same rights as men. In addition to that, she showed that she could lead a normal life. She never let her Deafness or Blindness get in the way. Furthermore, she proved that it did not matte whether or not she was Deaf-Blind. Instead, she showed that she can travel the world and speak the truth through Anne Sullivan. She had become an Advocate for the Blind as she toured and raised money for the American Foundation for The Blind. One of her biggest accomplishments was entering Radcliffe College in 1900. She was the first Deaf-Blind person ever enrolled. Four years later on June 28, 1904 she graduated with her B.A. Another one of her accomplishments was touring the world answering questions about being Deaf as well as Blind. She was literally able to show the world that Deaf-Blind people are just that. People. That people who cannot see or hear should be treated as a person in addition to respecting them.
Stephen King is another horror writer that wrote over thirty books. He is also still writing even though it is at a much slower pace. Among his many books are The Shining (1977), IT (1986), Dark Visions (1988), and Insomnia (1994). Quite a few of his books have turned into movies that have been just as scary and chilling as the book. Even though he is semi retired, he will always be remembered as one of the best horror writers of all time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


   Being a writer, my mind is always on the move. Always thinking of something new. In comparison, being a wrestling fan often works to my advantage. I go to a lot of wrestling and I have seen quite a few things happen. Things such as injuries (minor to severe) as well as getting to know quite a few people. There are several current and past WWE employees that I know.  I have met legends such as Larry Zybysko, Steve Keirn, Ron Bass, Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes and more. Not only have I gotten to know the business; but, I have come to know guys as people nothing more. They are like everyone else with them being wrestlers as one of the few differences. In recent years, we have lost a few guys to various things. Just this year we have lost "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney, "Bad Seed" Shawn Osborne,  Mr. Wrestling 19 and Ryze. All four men were tremendous in their own right and left far too soon. Life happens and takes the good ones. 
     Being a writer also means writing about things you love. Wrestling is one of them. Another one is advocacy. I am an advocate for many things. Autism, Cancer, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Deafness as well as preventing an epidemic of STDs I know people who have Autism, who have had cancer, are Deaf and have Diabetes. As for me, I have Childhood Epilepsy. It is not easy with any of these. All have struggles in their own way on a daily basis. It is other people that do not understand. It is due to the lack of understanding from the misconceptions. When people see that the misconceptions are false they will see that there is more to it than what they though. In turn, people will ask more questions and be more open minded. However, until that point in time many people will be close minded and stupidly ignorant.
      Writing poems and short stories is something I have done for years. I have written hundreds of poems as well as several dozen short stories. I am currently working on a few poems and short stories and plan on publishing them when I am done. However in the meantime, I am a college student. I have been working hard to get my degree and almost there. My love for ASL (American Sign Language) and other languages is still very vibrant. Being an ASL Interpreter has been put on hold for several reasons but will return later on. Until then, being a writer and advocate is something that will be an advantage. I know I will become a writer and ASL Interpreter at some point in my life and eventually travel the world learning other Sign Languages in addition to writing about my travels. All of my passions can be mixed to give the world a better understanding of different people with a different culture. To further add, writing about things that I love and have a lot of  knowledge of  will be sent out, read and change the world bit by bit. It is something that can be done simply by reading and passing it on to others.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deafness: I'm not Deaf but I am aware

I am not Deaf but have been an Interpreter in training (not yet certified) for a little over five years. It is a different feeling when in the field in addition to a very good experience. Deaf people are as normal as hearing people with the only difference being that a Deaf person lives in a world without sound. Some Deaf people were not born Deaf but lost most or all of their hearing after contracting something such as meningitis or an adverse effect to a type of medicine. Many hearing people do not think that Deaf people live normally due to the fact that they do not understand how a Deaf person can live in a world without sound. They believe the misconceptions about Deaf people. All of which are untrue.
In my time as an Interpreter I have learned a lot. I knew several things but learned a lot more after I began learning Sign. I now have a lot more knowledge about Sign Language, Deaf Culture as well as Deaf people. Many hearing people are ignorant about Deaf people because they do not understand how a Deaf person lives.
Deaf people are the same as hearing people in that they have normal jobs and lives. The only difference is that they cannot hear. Often times, they are better drivers due to the fact that they are not on the phone talking. Many have college degrees which disproves the misconception that they are stupid. Marlee Maitlin and Matt Hamill are two very successful Deaf people. Marlee is a Deaf actress and was also featured in Dancing with The Stars. Matt is a UFC Fighter and was on The Ultimate Fighter.
Awareness is the first step to knowing. There are two million Deaf or Hard of Hearing people in the United States alone. Five hundred use American Sign Language. Sign Language is different in all countries. ASL (American Sign Language) is used in the United states, BSL (British Sign Language) is used in the United Kingdom while ISL (Irish Sign Language) is used in Ireland. CI is not one hundred percent safe and not for everyone. Hearing Aids are good but also not for everyone. Many parents are fearful because they have not done the right research or given the correct information. In addition, they have been brainwashed by audiologists as well as other outside sources that a CI or Hearing Aids are best for the Deaf child to have a better life. Among other things it is not morally right on account of the child being forced into it with no choice at all when he or she can choose when they are older.
Morals are often broken when a hearing parents is told that their child is Deaf. They want what is best for their child but should let them decide whether or not they want a CI (Cochlear Implant) or Hearing Aid when they are older. By letting them choose instead of forcing them can have a positive impact on not only their life but the relationship between the parents and child. There will be more trust between both parties because they were given the choice and not forced. There are people who had a CI or forced to wear Hearing Aids that do not like it at all because they were not given a choice at all in the matter.
Deafness is not uncommon in the United States or around the world. There are billions of people all across the globe that are Deaf. They are as normal as everyone else with very little limitations. I know what it is like being treated differently from having a medical condition that sets me apart from most. I for one am an advocate for the Deaf. Are you?


All around the world there are many cultures that are different from each other. Middle Eastern is not the same as American Culture in addition to South America being a very different culture as well.

Middle Eastern culture is largely based on Muslim and terrorist beliefs. It is also due to hatred towards other cultures as well. There are people that are extremists and will die for a cause that may not necessarily be important to die for. Others want to live their life in peace and harmony. Middle Eastern beliefs have always varied from the rest of the world for various reasons but that is part of life. Middle Eastern belief is often the same in most countries. Many grow up to be militants or successful businessmen that are close minded and believe misconceptions about other countries based on what is put on their television. Thus, they may never realize that there is more than what is on television and learning is by doing. Many cultures vary and will never be the same.

The U.S has a variety of different cultures mixed into one country. There is no set religion or language. Much like High School there are different “cliques” that has their own beliefs. Like all places there are people that are ignorant and stupid. Furthermore, there are also people that are so open minded they will try anything. On top of that, there are skeptics. They are not open minded but not close minded either. Instead, they are a little bit of both. The belief system is unique as well. Many assume things and are brainwashed into believing the multitude of misconceptions about different countries and things that go on in the world overall. In time, many will see that assuming is wrong and making decisions on their own accord is the best thing to do.

South America has many legends such as the chupucabra in addition to tales that are similar to the chupucabra. Many are of some form of Catholic belief and speak Spanish or Portuguese as well. Many in South America live in poverty and want a better life but unable to leave for different reasons. If they are close to the US border they may try to find a way to cross it whether it be legally or illegally. However, many South Americans may also be happy with their life for whatever reason. Being a South American is something to be proud of in different aspects regardless of what part they are in. There are big cities they can travel to in hopes of a better life. South America is unique in its own right and always will be. The belief system tends to be simplistic and good morally. Moreover, many just want a happy life than to think about all the bad that is in the world.

All cultures have their own unique way of celebrating holidays and religion. Among other things they will always be different and unique in their own way. Not only is the Middle East, U.S and South America different in cultures but they have different belief systems as well.

Monday, June 6, 2011

A quote and lesson

Where mercy is shown, mercy is given”

There is a particular show that I watch that some of you may know of. If you know the quote you know what show I am talking about.
Dog The Bounty Hunter often says that he believes in second chances. You never know what could happen or when people may die. He shows everyone mercy even when someone does not deserve it. To an extent I can relate to what goes on. Things happen in life to where you are at a point in your life where you need to change. For some it is being in jail. For me it was different but I had that epiphany moment that changed my life.
Going to wrestling shows has always helped after a death or just a bad or horrendous week in my life. I've been able to clear my head while at a show. Its also given me insight and change something that needs to be fixed. The friends that I have made in wrestling since I started going have helped more than they ever know or will imagine. They have been there when they did not even know it. I have talked to a few when I did not want to talk at all. They listened and gave me advice and I was able to work things out. There were other times when I didn't go to anyone but still got advice because I was able to think like they do and somehow just know what they would say.
My first big break after I began my quest in the Journalism field was writing for The Pitt. 19 let me write and published most of the things that I have written. His death not long ago hit me hard. He was a mentor that I will be forever grateful for. He always told me to follow my instincts and go with my gut. Write from the heart and run with an idea. The advice I received from him will always be with me.