Tuesday, June 14, 2011


All around the world there are many cultures that are different from each other. Middle Eastern is not the same as American Culture in addition to South America being a very different culture as well.

Middle Eastern culture is largely based on Muslim and terrorist beliefs. It is also due to hatred towards other cultures as well. There are people that are extremists and will die for a cause that may not necessarily be important to die for. Others want to live their life in peace and harmony. Middle Eastern beliefs have always varied from the rest of the world for various reasons but that is part of life. Middle Eastern belief is often the same in most countries. Many grow up to be militants or successful businessmen that are close minded and believe misconceptions about other countries based on what is put on their television. Thus, they may never realize that there is more than what is on television and learning is by doing. Many cultures vary and will never be the same.

The U.S has a variety of different cultures mixed into one country. There is no set religion or language. Much like High School there are different “cliques” that has their own beliefs. Like all places there are people that are ignorant and stupid. Furthermore, there are also people that are so open minded they will try anything. On top of that, there are skeptics. They are not open minded but not close minded either. Instead, they are a little bit of both. The belief system is unique as well. Many assume things and are brainwashed into believing the multitude of misconceptions about different countries and things that go on in the world overall. In time, many will see that assuming is wrong and making decisions on their own accord is the best thing to do.

South America has many legends such as the chupucabra in addition to tales that are similar to the chupucabra. Many are of some form of Catholic belief and speak Spanish or Portuguese as well. Many in South America live in poverty and want a better life but unable to leave for different reasons. If they are close to the US border they may try to find a way to cross it whether it be legally or illegally. However, many South Americans may also be happy with their life for whatever reason. Being a South American is something to be proud of in different aspects regardless of what part they are in. There are big cities they can travel to in hopes of a better life. South America is unique in its own right and always will be. The belief system tends to be simplistic and good morally. Moreover, many just want a happy life than to think about all the bad that is in the world.

All cultures have their own unique way of celebrating holidays and religion. Among other things they will always be different and unique in their own way. Not only is the Middle East, U.S and South America different in cultures but they have different belief systems as well.

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