I am not Deaf but have been an Interpreter in training (not yet certified) for a little over five years. It is a different feeling when in the field in addition to a very good experience. Deaf people are as normal as hearing people with the only difference being that a Deaf person lives in a world without sound. Some Deaf people were not born Deaf but lost most or all of their hearing after contracting something such as meningitis or an adverse effect to a type of medicine. Many hearing people do not think that Deaf people live normally due to the fact that they do not understand how a Deaf person can live in a world without sound. They believe the misconceptions about Deaf people. All of which are untrue.
In my time as an Interpreter I have learned a lot. I knew several things but learned a lot more after I began learning Sign. I now have a lot more knowledge about Sign Language, Deaf Culture as well as Deaf people. Many hearing people are ignorant about Deaf people because they do not understand how a Deaf person lives.
Deaf people are the same as hearing people in that they have normal jobs and lives. The only difference is that they cannot hear. Often times, they are better drivers due to the fact that they are not on the phone talking. Many have college degrees which disproves the misconception that they are stupid. Marlee Maitlin and Matt Hamill are two very successful Deaf people. Marlee is a Deaf actress and was also featured in Dancing with The Stars. Matt is a UFC Fighter and was on The Ultimate Fighter.
Awareness is the first step to knowing. There are two million Deaf or Hard of Hearing people in the United States alone. Five hundred use American Sign Language. Sign Language is different in all countries. ASL (American Sign Language) is used in the United states, BSL (British Sign Language) is used in the United Kingdom while ISL (Irish Sign Language) is used in Ireland. CI is not one hundred percent safe and not for everyone. Hearing Aids are good but also not for everyone. Many parents are fearful because they have not done the right research or given the correct information. In addition, they have been brainwashed by audiologists as well as other outside sources that a CI or Hearing Aids are best for the Deaf child to have a better life. Among other things it is not morally right on account of the child being forced into it with no choice at all when he or she can choose when they are older.
Morals are often broken when a hearing parents is told that their child is Deaf. They want what is best for their child but should let them decide whether or not they want a CI (Cochlear Implant) or Hearing Aid when they are older. By letting them choose instead of forcing them can have a positive impact on not only their life but the relationship between the parents and child. There will be more trust between both parties because they were given the choice and not forced. There are people who had a CI or forced to wear Hearing Aids that do not like it at all because they were not given a choice at all in the matter.
Deafness is not uncommon in the United States or around the world. There are billions of people all across the globe that are Deaf. They are as normal as everyone else with very little limitations. I know what it is like being treated differently from having a medical condition that sets me apart from most. I for one am an advocate for the Deaf. Are you?