Friday, March 22, 2013


Cell phones have ended up being a huge impact on the TV industry for obvious and not so obvious reasons.

            Obvious reasons are that most cell phones are smart phones whether they are the latest Iphone. With that comes being able to watch shows as well as movies on smart phones or Iphones. In today’s world many people are on the go to where they do not sit down to watch TV. All too often people do not have the time to sit down long enough to watch TV which results in not watching their favorite shows at the times they are on TV. With that comes technological advances such as smart phones, IPADs that connect to different channel’s websites easier and able to give consumers access to shows that want to watch again or have yet to watch. Some have wifi built into them while others easily connect to wifi. The result is that they watch their favorite shows anywhere they are whether it is at the airport or in another country. To further add, people can share their favorite shows with others.

            Not so obvious reasons are that they are it keeps younger kids as well as toddlers entertained for a little while. They are able to watch their favorite shows on a trip or going to other places. It is never easy keeping children entertained while on a long trip or even a short one to places such as a grocery store or a party. On the go TV is now on smart phones and IPads which means it is easier for kids as well as adults to watch movies to TV shows that they want to watch again or have yet to watch.  The technology world is always changing. It is ever evolving into something better as far as having things that are on the go for those with busy lifestyles. It is technology that has brought a new world of advances in the sense that better outcomes on different aspects of life have improved.

            Technology will always be around. It is how it is used that will affect the world. It has made an impact on how people watch TV because of being able to watch shows and movies on smart phones. With that comes a lesser need for an actual television set. Some use TV sets as computer screens while others use it as a TV for when they are home or even both.

            In the long run technology will always have an impact on the world regardless of what impact it is. All in all, it will be helpful in a variety of ways in the present and future. I

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