Friday, November 4, 2011

Girl on a mission

I have always been a writer that has quite more knowledge than most to share with the world. Unfortunately, most of the world is too ignorant and close minded to listen. The ones that do is what makes a difference. By getting it to just a few people, they may spread it to others who then tell others. It then leads to a domino effect and people learn from it. It is this effect that can change people for the better just by learning something new. In turn, they are a little more open minded. Eventually, they are willing to learn more because of the little things that they start learning.
Getting the truth out is one of the many missions that I have been on. Millions of people in the world today do not know the truth about anything. It is due to the fact that there are many misconceptions that they believe. In turn, people are close minded and unwilling to learn about anything because they think they are right. When a person believes in one or several misconceptions, they think that it is correct when in fact misconceptions are based off of assumptions that are always wrong. When people learn that misconceptions are wrong them are psychic and will know and understand them.
Disproving the misconceptions have is easy when you have the correct facts. For instance, Hearing Impaired and Deaf people are one in the same. The difference is that the term Hearing Impaired is insulting. There is nothing impaired about Deaf people. They were born without their hearing or lost it at a young age due to a reaction to a specific medication that caused them to lose their hearing or from meningitis. When we are born, we have little hairs in our hears that help sound flow in and out. With Deaf people, they are born without those hairs in their ears. In turn, Deaf people are treated differently because they do not hear. The most common misconception is that they are dumb and uneducated. In fact, all Deaf people are just that. PEOPLE. They are also highly educated and have better driving records than Hearing people. It is the misconceptions about Deaf people in addition to people assuming that the misconceptions are correct. There are many other misconceptions that can easily be disproved just by doing some simple research. If people did some research they would find that there is more to life than misconceptions.
In the past several years, I have become an encyclopedia of knowledge on different subjects such as Deafness, Epilepsy, wrestling, Religions in addition to many more. The things that I have researched and learned about are things that are very common in the world; yet, many do not truly know about them because they are close minded and believe in the misconceptions. It was irritating at first when people came to me for advice on the various subjects. But in time, I came to love it because they were learning something new and passed it on to others. I would rather teach others and have them learn something from me knowing that that they learned it from a good source rather than not learn anything at all.
Not only have I learned different things on different subjects; but, I have wisdom that can be passed on to others. Some of it has been through research while the rest is through direct experience. Everyone experiences different things at different points in life. My life has been unique in more ways than one. Having that wisdom to share with others is often times the best thing to teach. I have knowledge that some my age do not even have yet or can even understand. Many in my age group have not experienced what I have and cannot begin to learn about unless they experience it first hand. Describing and experiencing things are two completely different things. I know that in time things will happen and more people will understand each other.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Warm and Cold

Humankind will always be an interesting species for many reasons. However, there are people that are naturally warm blooded people; but, they are cold hearted. On the flipside,  there are people who have naturally cold bodies (where they feel cold much of the time); yet, they have the warmest hearts.
    The meaning behind these two unique terms can be interpreted in many ways. However, the true means are within the words themselves. There are thousands of people that are kind hearted people. They dedicate their life to helping others and changing the community that they live in. To further add, they may travel around the country they live in as well as around the world to help others. Hence, they are warm hearted people. On the flipside, there are thousands more that worry about themselves and nobody else. They would rather make money as well as be a greedy individual. In turn, they are cold hearted people.  Instead of giving people a second chance, they fire someone because they did an assignment wrong. People grow up with different lifestyles in addition to being raised differently than others. It plays one of many factors to how they make decisions and choices that end up affecting their future.
   Unfortuntately reality gets in the way of life. Many people are cold hearted, ignorant as well as close minded. It is hard for them to realize that people are not perfect and have flaws. The reality of the current times is that the world is currently in a bad spot in addition to being unbalanced. In essence, it is a worldwide Great Depression in that there are people suffering in different countries as a result of things that have happened in the past ten years. Things are slowly starting to get better but not as quick as it could be. By doing more that will save money such as recycling and other money saving things will help others and the rest of the world. However, with so many people being close minded not many are willing to do so.
   Making a difference in the world comes naturally to some and not so much with others. It is human nature to want to help; however, there are people who are more compassionate towards people and overall things whereas others care a little bit more about themselves while they try to care about others as well. In the current society, people are a little more greedy and tend to think of themselves and their family than anyone else. They do not truly care about people that are homeless and going hungry. Instead, they care for their family and want to see their family members grow instead of helping others get on their feet. People who are more compassionate put others before themselves. To them, they would rather see someone else succeed and worry about themselves later on.
   Changing the world can start with a simple act or saying something simple. The movie Pay It Forward is a movie that everyone can learn from. It is a boy named Trevor who is assigned a project in his Social Studies class. What ends up happening is people all across the United States pay it forward in their own way. At the end of the movie, Trevor dies of a stab wound while trying to break up a fight. People from all over the city come to pay their respects to him for what he accomplished. This movie alone can inspire anyone to do the same thing. Do a simple act such as helping someone with their groceries or opening the door. Others will see even though you do notice them watching. Simple acts go far without anyone truly knowing it.
   By being more  open minded, people can learn new things and the world would start becoming a better place. People would treat others with respect that is deserved and the environment better. Te world can be a better place by people simply being more open minded and less greedy. Furthermore, people doing things to benefit themselves, others and the earth is something that people are starting to notice and take action. It is this simple act that can set off a motion of other actions that will eventually lead to a better planet and life.

All Hallows Eve

I know it is a day late but I'd rather it be on the day that the harvest would be than not at all.

Halloween has always been my favorite day of the year. It is the day that the world between the living and the dead is thinned. However, there are always ghosts around. There are many haunted places all across the world that have spirits in need of help crossing over. Ghost Hunters such as TAPS and their counterparts that go beyond the US to help the dead in other countries are currently helping the dead cross over or at least confirm or disprove a haunted house.
All Hallows Eve has been around for centuries. It is most known as Samhain because of a fall festival being around the time of harvest. It is when people gathered their crops for the winter and celebrated. It is also when ghosts had the ability to go between this world and the next easier. In essence, it is also a better known version of the Mexican day of Dia de Muerte or Day of the Dead that also happens at the same time every year.
My interest in this day came when I was much younger. I had always been interested in Vampires, werewolves, chupacabras, Ghosts and other supernatural beings. I was and still am among those that believe that there is something out there aside from ourselves. There are other things beside ourselves that many do not understand. If people something as simple as research they would learn that the Mexican and American tradition are not so far apart as many think. Both are essentially the same with very few differences. Unfortunately, many lack the ability to research and comprehend the fact that many traditions are the same with a few differences.
Halloween is a time when kids roam around in costumes and go trick or treating. It is also when paranormal researchers go to haunted places to get more evidence to prove that ghosts exist and that there is another world aside from the world that we can physically see.