Monday, September 30, 2013


I've been writing quite a bit lately whether it has been potential articles, short stories or poetry. I've always been a writer at heart even with other endeavors i have been part of. Despite all of that, I have felt that I hav been in a rut. A deep hole that has no end. A recent wrestling show I went to has helped with a few things. A few friends helped even more. This Edgar Allen Poe rut i've been in won't last forever, However, i am going to work through it as best as I can. There's lots of factors contributing to this part of my life including unwanted pressure from a few people that have no business trying to run my life. This state of mind i'm in right now is someplace I don't want to be. I'm going to work on them individually and thoroughly. It is going to take a while to get through. I know I will eventually print and catalog my work to show others. A portfolio is always good to have. I don't know how long I will be away from the internet. I do know it'll be a while tp get things straightened out. I have alot i'm working on and new things constantly coming into my brain. Things won't be easy for me for the next little time. I will prevail better than ever. Until next time......

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Recycling is coming to the forefront even though it is a slow rise to better awareness Waste Management has been a problem for many years. Not only are there too many dumps; but, there are many things that can be recycled to where there can be a bigger prevention of waste from going to waste dumps. Sorting out what is in the dumps and recycling what can be is one of many things that can be done in the near and far future. There are things that could be done with what cannot be recycled. In recent years, there has been less waste in dumps because of people starting to recycle. The result is a reduction in them. The significant reductions has already made an impact. People are often surprised at what is recycled and how. Laptops, cellphones along with other everyday things are being recycled. By doing so, helping others is possible. Getting money for bottles is another thing many often forget. Soda bottles and cans are often the types of bottles that are recycleable. Going to the designated places and doing so adds up in a multitude of ways over time. It is saving bottles from going into dumps as well as essentially getting paid to take them to a waste management facility. It is usually $0.05; however, it adds up over time in different ways aside from a monetary way. Another result of recycling is the material being made into other things. It helps the environment long term along with being made into surprising things such as backpacks, smaller bottles or cans and other everyday items that might be recycled. Shoes, socks, and little things that people do not think of could be made of recycled material. The environmental effects and affects are already being seen. Bigger cities have more waste and pollution with smog from the air and cigarette smoke that is polluting the air. That combination ultimately damages the planet and its air. People with asthma or breathing problems living in cities feel those effects making it hard for them to breath. The thick air is bad for them. the overall health problems regardless of being asthmatic can be lifelong in addition to life threatening. It affects everyone in the long term. It happens everywhere around the world with many not doing anything about it. However, there are just as many people that are trying to do something about it. It also affects future generations and how they will be affected. By recycling, they will feel the affects of that as well. There are ways to learn about what can be done. Doing the research on top of asking questions gets the answers needed instead of wondering or even assuming. It brings awareness to recycling as well as what it is about, what it entails along with other questions that might pop up. Many people do not know where to look or where to start. Most turn to the internet and finding websites that can help. Finding credible ones can sometimes be difficult. Websits that have .gov, .edu, and .org are often the most credible for obvious reasons of being government, educational or organizational websites. Knowing who to ask can be difficult as well. However, there are many experts in the field that are often able to help. If they are unsure they often know where to look or who to ask. The more knowledge a person has the more power they have. They know more than they did before. They also learned new things that is helpful in the long run. In comparison, they have a better understanding of recycling and can spread the word to others. The chain reaction of spreading the information helps everyone in the future for having information sperad through people. Recycling can be very helpful for everyone in many different ways. People are able to help the environment in a good way as well as make something out of recycled material. The future is very bright as far as bringing awareness to recycling.

The Rocky Road I've traveled

I was 12 years old and in middle school when I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. It not only happened out of the blue; but, it changed my life forever in many ways. It changed how I viewed life, how I lead my life along with my perspective on life. Me, my parents, sister and family had no idea why it happened. The result was a search beginning on figuring things out as far as what the cause was in addition to what medication could prevent more seizures. The difficult part was not knowing where to look much less where to begin. In fact, we were unsure on how to proceed with anything because of not knowing about seizures or Epilepsy. With that came Neurologist appointments as well as looking at the facts of what we had at the time. I had headaches for a while. To further add, they had become increasingly bad. We knew it may partially be due to hereditary on my mothers side. As it turns out, that part was right on point. We found that complex migraines were the cause of the seizures. The flipside of that was what were the cause of the complex migraines. Every solution had a different path to go down afterward. The cause of my complex migraines could be from stress of some kind, bright lights or even possibly traumatic events. My mothers death was quite a bit of stress. More than any kid my age (13 at the time of her death) experienced. The knowledge I gained from doing research has better helped me in teaching others. I did not know anything myself about seizures or Epilepy. It resulted in not knowing how to answer questions that were asked. Doing the research then spreading the knowledge I learned helped others understand me in addition to Epilepsy better. My mother died on September 1, 2002 after having a heart attack and brain stem stroke on the night of August 25, 2002. She was taken off life support against Doctors orders. She was then given six hours to live. She lived for six days. She diefied the doctors by breathing on her own for that long. Not only was there no brain activity; but, she was declared brain dead after an EEG showed there was no brain activity. The fact that she had no life support of any kind aside from IV fluid and food was remarkable among other things. According to even doctors, it was a miracle she lived for six days. To me, it was just my mom wanting everyone to say goodbye before she died. She wanted people to say their goodbye. The result was hundreds passing through everyday to say their tearful farwell. There were just as many that called to check in to see if there was progress either way. It was the funeral on September 5 that made just as much of an impact as the week in the hospital as well as her death. Even though First Baptist Church Inverness was a small church in the middle of town at the time, it was packed full of people. There were also people standing outside. For her. To say goodbye to a teacher, friend and mother. People mourned that week and still to this day. It has been the healingt that sometimes takes the longest. Her death changed me as a person. It changed how I view life, death as well as how I learn from it and able to help others. For me, it took years for the healing. It began very slowly. The process to understand what had happened and that my mom was never coming home. In spite of that, I had many friends that have helped along the way. They provided different perspectives of it and helped more that they know or will ever realize. Most of my friends and family helped in different ways whether it was a shoulder to cry on or a person to talk to. Most if not all did not fully understand because of it being such a unique situation. I had recently been diagnosed with Epilepsy then lost my mom a few months later. Not many people knew of something like that ever happening to a 13 year old girl. Regardless, they helped as much as they could. Being involved in sports was also a big help. I played softball, soccer, track and went to wrestling shows. Mom was a softball catcher while dad was a baseball pitcher. I had a lot of friends from different sports including moms basketball team she coached for six seasons. I have begun to look to the future and learned from everything that happened. Even though my future looks unsure at times, it is still as bright as anyone elses. Looking forward is my goal right now. Seeing the positives in everything is something that I have learned to do. I can learn from everything even though it is hard at times. The difference is that it is worth it in the long run. The road I have traveled over the last 11 years has not been an easy one. It has been filled with ups, downs, twists, turns and unexpected speed bumps. I have overcome obstacles I did not think I could overcome. I have overcome a lot and continue to do so.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Things are not always what they appear or seem to be.

I've had epilepsy 11 years this month. In that time I've had my struggles, triumphs as well as misunderstandings. It hasn't been easy living with epilepsy but I have made the best of it in the simplest ways than many may think.

Disproving the misconceptions has been the simplest way that I show people how I lead my life. More often than not it is this way that has confused people the most because of most believing the misconceptions made by the media about people with epilepsy. It is also my favorite way because I can explain it and say that doing research and asking questions is better than assuming.

Assuming is one of many things that people do. With epilepsy it is even worse due to people not being informed much if at all. Most people think to put something in the persons mouth when it is more harmful than helpful. Instead, reassure the person and let the seizure run its course.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that people with epilepsy do not lead a normal life when in fact they lead a normal, active life. It is far from be truth about this misconception. Most take medication of some kind. Few have to have surgery from medication and other things hat do not help at all. People may even now someone with Epilepsy and not even know it until later one. 

People will be people and assume the worst a out people with epilepsy. One thing that is definite is that seeing someone with it lead an active life often changes a persons mind even o slow to change

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Everyone is an influence on each other whether it is a positive or negative influence difference that is made.
For many, they are a positive influence. They try to change the world around them for the better whether they are everyday people or well-known people.  It may not seem like there are such people but they are out there trying to make a difference. Anyone can make a difference. It also does not have to be a big difference such as carpooling or lending a helping hand in some way.  Doing something for someone else often makes a difference both short and long term whether people realize it or not.
On the flipside, there are many people that are negative in today’s world. It is due to the world being filled with too much criticism as well as people that are judgmental.  All too often it is from people jumping to conclusions before they have all the facts. The trend that has showed itself has been people having a negative mindset that is a result of seeing things from a negative perspective whether it stemmed from bad experiences or otherwise. The result is more often than not being close minded that leads to assuming things before anything else. It also leads to believing that misconceptions and misbeliefs are correct and not doing the research to see what is right or wrong. They do not see the error of their ways until an experience comes along that brings it to the surface and challenges their beliefs with the result being their eyes being opened about others perspectives on life.
Paying it forward and lending a helping hand regardless of it being a friend or strangers or it being a big or small thing. Something small can make a big difference in someone’s life. In some cases, a chain reaction starts. Someone does something kind for someone else that causes that person to do something for someone else. It is like the movie “Pay it Forward” anyone around the world can do it despite language barriers or the country a person lives in helping and giving a helping hand can make a difference. Some of the biggest differences may come in a small package.
There will always be positive and negative influences regardless of where a person goes in life. Paying it forward and passing on positivity can make a difference even when it is unrealized at the time.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Cell phones have ended up being a huge impact on the TV industry for obvious and not so obvious reasons.

            Obvious reasons are that most cell phones are smart phones whether they are the latest Iphone. With that comes being able to watch shows as well as movies on smart phones or Iphones. In today’s world many people are on the go to where they do not sit down to watch TV. All too often people do not have the time to sit down long enough to watch TV which results in not watching their favorite shows at the times they are on TV. With that comes technological advances such as smart phones, IPADs that connect to different channel’s websites easier and able to give consumers access to shows that want to watch again or have yet to watch. Some have wifi built into them while others easily connect to wifi. The result is that they watch their favorite shows anywhere they are whether it is at the airport or in another country. To further add, people can share their favorite shows with others.

            Not so obvious reasons are that they are it keeps younger kids as well as toddlers entertained for a little while. They are able to watch their favorite shows on a trip or going to other places. It is never easy keeping children entertained while on a long trip or even a short one to places such as a grocery store or a party. On the go TV is now on smart phones and IPads which means it is easier for kids as well as adults to watch movies to TV shows that they want to watch again or have yet to watch.  The technology world is always changing. It is ever evolving into something better as far as having things that are on the go for those with busy lifestyles. It is technology that has brought a new world of advances in the sense that better outcomes on different aspects of life have improved.

            Technology will always be around. It is how it is used that will affect the world. It has made an impact on how people watch TV because of being able to watch shows and movies on smart phones. With that comes a lesser need for an actual television set. Some use TV sets as computer screens while others use it as a TV for when they are home or even both.

            In the long run technology will always have an impact on the world regardless of what impact it is. All in all, it will be helpful in a variety of ways in the present and future. I

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Quotes are everywhere in today’s world regardless of what type it is, where a person lives or the language a person speaks.
Millions of different quotes exist from happy ones to love. There are just as many meanings behind them. They are also as different as the people who wrote them. the quotes themselves mean something different to everyone. It is one thing to one person while having a completely different meaning to a friend or family member. It has and always will be that way. With that comes different quotes for different people. Often times it brings different emotions in people whether it is helping them heal, seeing clearer or being a better person. All too often the smallest quote can speak volumes because of speaking to a person more than a person can that results in something life changing for them.
There are quotes for every situation in life. A happy moment, sad moment, death in the family, lending a helping hand or thinking things through. One simple quote can make a world of a difference. More often than not it is weird for someone to hear something such as that until it happens to them that causes them to understand resulting in wanting to find more quotes. Various material things such as a calendar, journal or datebook have quotes in it whether it is inspirational, happy, or religious. It brings happiness, confidence and knowing there is a quote nearby that may help them make better sense of something. People cling to things that can make their life better. Quotes are often something people cling to because of many of them making sense at some point in their life.
A wall of quotes is one of many ideas that comes off strange to most people. Inspirational and happy is a good theme to have due to having something to look at that can uplift a person in less happier moments. A unique pattern such as mixed together or different fonts can be beneficial because of having a variety in that sense as well. A mixture of quotes is a good idea as well. It often shows different aspects of life that make sense in those moments. It gives a better range for different points in life. With that comes being able to pick something out for a friend in need that may not listen to a person but may be able to make sense of what is going on through a quote.
There will always be a variety of quotes to choose from for different situations. A wall of quotes can help along with having different quotes for different points in life.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A friend of mine once told me to follow my instincts and write from the heart. He died nearly two years ago leaving behind lots of wisdom, kindness and love. Opportunities come and go all the time. They are constantly happening whether people recognize them or not. Many of the best ones pass us by while we are grabbing ones that will not benefit us in the long run. The ones we should seize and take advantage of often pass us by because of not taking the time to see them.
Recognizing the opportunity is hard enough for most people. Being able to grab it at the first chance may be even harder from not knowing how to deal with it after. More often than not they realize after that it may be a once in a lifetime chance they have. They may never get another chance at it again. Things happen for a reason even if the reason is unknown for a while. Later on it reveals itself along with a better understanding of what happened. It is something that can be learned from.
Learning from the past helps in changing the future. The past is there to learn from with it being beneficial regardless of what situation is being looked back on. Some learn from the past while others do not. Some are open to learning from the past because of seeing that it will benefit them from making the same mistakes. Some are not so open because of being close minded to where they will not see the benefit of learning from past mistakes resulting in making the same mistakes again in the future.
Many times a person has to prove themselves regardless of the field they are in. They have to show what they can do right off the bat. Being unique and innovative are two things that will show whether it is noticed right away or later on. Some may not like the particular style of the person but that is what is unique about people. Each person has a different style unique to them. people are different and should be able to show how unique they are. Having faith in mentors is something some do and do not do. They know what they know what they are doing so trusting them is a big factor.