Thursday, June 28, 2012


There are a variety of religions around the world with every country having one and are the same but different at the same time.
Many bash each other for one reason or another with a majority of the time being that each group thinks their way is the right way. With Christianity, if one is not “saved” they are going to burn in hell; yet, they cry foul when they are talked negatively about. It is the same with other religions in that each cry foul when they are bashed while bashing other religions as well.
Each has a different way of thinking in addition to way of living and being unique in their own way. They have their own customs, beliefs and attire they wear. All religions will always have their own system and practice of how they do things in addition to the way they do them. With that comes different ways of thinking. Many do not think that people are thoughtful and willing to teach others about their religion when in fact many want to share their religion it is a matter of people being willing to listen and receive the information. Along with that, people should ask questions rather than assuming something about religions.
Many people are ignorant about religions. They do not take the time to learn other religions much less about the people that practice them. The teachings in each religion does not help either. While growing up, it is taught that other religions are bad and will go to hell when they die.  To further add, the media talks about misconceptions that are wrong in more ways than one.
For as long as religion has been around there has been conflict. It has also been a loss of common sense after a while because of most being too ignorant and close minded to care or want to learn. Many fear what they do not know on top of not wanting to or trying to learn. In turn, they become ignorant about others feelings on religion along with their religious beliefs. Each person should be respected regardless of their religion.
There will always be conflict when it comes to religion. The difference is people may become more tolerant of other religions as time goes on.

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